
East river map

East river NYC map. East river map (New York - USA) to print. East river map (New York - USA) to download. The East River is a tidal strait in New York City. East river connects Upper New York Bay on its south end to Long Island Sound on its north end. East river separates Long Island (including the boroughs of Queens and Brooklyn) from the island of Manhattan and the Bronx on the North American mainland as its shown in east river map. In reference to its connection to Long Island Sound, it was once also known as the Sound River.
East River, navigable tidal strait linking Upper New York Bay with Long Island Sound, New York City, U.S. as its mentioned in east river map. East river separates Manhattan Island from Brooklyn and Queens. About 16 miles (26 km) long and 600–4,000 feet (200–1200 metres) wide, east river connects with the Hudson River via the Harlem River and Spuyten Duyvil Creek at the north end of Manhattan Island.
The East River is dangerous to people who fall in or attempt to swim in it, although as of mid-2007 the water was cleaner than it had been in decades. Anyone in the east river would find there are few places from which to climb out as you can see in the east river map. According to the marine sciences section of the city Department of Environmental Protection, the channel is swift, with water moving as fast as four knots (just as it does in the Hudson River on the other side of Manhattan). That speed can push casual swimmers out to sea.