
B61 bus map

Map of b61 bus. B61 bus map (New York - USA) to print. B61 bus map (New York - USA) to download. The b61 bus (Direction: Park Slope 20 St Via Red Hook) has 41 stops departing from Smith St/Fulton St and ending in Prospect Park West/18 St. as its shown in b61 bus map. B61 bus time schedule overview for the upcoming week: Starts operating at 12:20 AM and ends at 11:50 PM. Operating days of b61 bus this week: everyday.
Average speed of b61 bus includes time spent at stops and is measured on weekdays from 10am - 4pm during May and October 2019 as its mentioned in b61 bus map. This metric of b61 bus is calculated independently of the MTA. B61 bus frequency is ~5.1/hr. 2019 Ridership 8,438/day. Ridership change from 2018 to 2019 -4.9%.
The first stop of the b61 bus route is Prospect Park West/18 St and the last stop is Smith St/Fulton St. as its mentioned in b61 bus map. B61 bus (Direction: Downtown Bklyn Fulton Mall Via Red Hook) is operational during everyday. The total trip duration of b61 bus for this route is approximately 47 minutes.