
New York metro map

MTA metro map. New York metro map (New York - USA) to print. New York metro map (New York - USA) to download. The metro in New York (or the New York Subway) is the busiest means of transportation among New Yorkers. Taking the metro is an easy and safe way to get to your destination in New York City quickly as its shown in New York metro map. The New York metro offers a network that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week throughout the year. With the MetroCard, the pass for the metro in New York City, a one-way trip costs only $2.75. It is the cheapest way to discover the city.
It is very easy to take the metro in New York City. First of all, you will need a metro map with all lines and stations, stops as its mentioned in New York metro map. Free metro maps are also available at many stations. Consult the map to find your destination and the nearest station/stop point. Metro fare in New York City is $3.00 per single trip when purchasing single tickets.
In New York, the metro lines are differentiated by colors (red line, green line, blue line, as you can see in New York metro map). Depending on the station where you want to go, find the color on the New York metro map and the small number or letter next to it. These numbers or letters are also displayed at the entrance of each station of New York metro.
The New York metro opened in 1904 and is the State longest metro system and one of the world largest underground lines. New York metro has nearly 500 stations and a total of 660 miles of tracks (1,060 km) as its mentioned in New York metro map. As a result of it being old, the metro stations of New York are sometimes small, stifling and dirty, and quite frequently you will see rats on the tracks.
Certain New York metro entrances are a little peculiar and one has to be careful when choosing the entrance of certain stations, as some will take you directly down one direction (ie north or south as its shown in New York metro map), so you will have to get out and find the correct entrance if you realise you are going the wrong way; so make sure you take the correct entrance for New York metro.