
New York City train map

New York train lines map. New York City train map (New York - USA) to print. New York City train map (New York - USA) to download. Many rapid transit systems of New York City run relatively static routings, so that a train "line" is more or less synonymous with a train "route" as its shown in New York City train map. In New York City, routings change often as new connections are opened or service patterns change. Within the nomenclature of New York City subway, the "line" describes the physical railroad track or series of tracks that a train "route" uses on its way from one terminal to another.

New York train lines map

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There are 24 train services in the subway system of New York City, including three short shuttles. Each route has a color and a local or express designation representing the Manhattan trunk line of the particular service as its shown in New York City train map. The color lime green is exclusively assigned to the Crosstown Line route since it operates entirely outside Manhattan while the shuttles are all assigned dark slate gray. The 1, 6, 7, C, G, L, M and R trains of New York City are fully local; making all stops. The 2, 3, 4, 5, <6>, <7>, A, B, D, E, F, N and Q trains have portions of express and local service.
The New York City "Routes" (also called "services") are distinguished by a letter or a number and "Lines" have names as its mentioned in New York City train map. They are also designations for New York City trains, as exemplified in the Billy Strayhorn song Take the "A" Train. This terminology is also used to a loose extent in the Taipei Metro.
The current color system of New York City train depicted on official subway maps was proposed by R. Raleigh D'Adamo, a lawyer who entered a contest sponsored by the Transit Authority of New York City in 1964. D'Adamo proposed replacing a map that used only three colors (representing the three operating entities of the subway network as its shown in New York City train map) with a map that used a different color for each service. D'Adamo contest entry shared first place with two others and led to the Transit Authority adopting a multi-colored scheme.
The lines and services of New York City train are not referred to by color (e.g., Blue Line or Green Line as its shown in New York City train map), although the colors are often assigned through their groups. Though the subway system of New York City operates on a 24-hour basis, some of the designated routes do not run, run as a shorter route or run with a different stopping pattern during late night hours.