
Midtown NYC map

Midtown New York map. Midtown NYC map (New York - USA) to print. Midtown NYC map (New York - USA) to download. Midtown Manhattan in NYC, or the area between 31st Street and 59th Street as its shown in midtown NYC map, is peopled by hoards of tourists and office folks on the grind, so it tends to be crowded most of the day. But the neighborhood of midtown is also home to NYC landmarks like the Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building, the headquarters of the United Nations, Rockefeller Center and Times Square, which explains the throngs of people.
Midtown NYC is nestled in the midst of all this fast-paced industry is the NYC famed theatre district, also known as Broadway as its mentioned in midtown NYC map. Fine dining experiences and luxury hotels help make Midtown NYC a destination worth visiting for tourists from all over the world despite its densely populated avenues.
With all the noise, color, flash and bustle of Times Square, Broadway and Rockefeller Center, Midtown is the neighborhood many picture first when they think of NYC. Rockefeller Center, Grand Central Terminal and St. Patrick Cathedral are all among the world most recognizable destinations as you can see in midtown NYC map. The neighborhood of midtown NYC is not just sightseeing, however: it also boasts top-flight restaurants and bars, including the Theatre District’s Restaurant Row and rowdy Hell’s Kitchen bars and clubs.