
Map of New York City

New York City New York map. Map of New York City (New York - USA) to print. Map of New York City (New York - USA) to download. Amsterdam, the Mayor, Alderman, and Commonality of the City of New York, and New Orange, byname the Big Apple, city and port located at the mouth of the Hudson River, southeastern New York state, northeastern U.S. as its shown in the map of New York City. New York City is the largest and most influential American metropolis, encompassing Manhattan and Staten islands, the western sections of Long Island, and a small portion of the New York state mainland to the north of Manhattan.

New York City New York map

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As of the census of 2010, there were 8,175,133 people residing in New York City. The city had a population density of 27,532 people per square mile (10,630/km²), rendering it the most densely populated of all municipalities housing over 100,000 residents in the United States as its mentioned in the map of New York City. The racial makeup of the city in 2010 was 44 percent white (33.3 percent non-Hispanic white), 25.5 percent black (23 percent non-Hispanic black), 0.7 percent Native American and 12.7 percent Asian.
New York City, sometimes called "The City That Never Sleeps," is famously fast-paced and active, and the American idiom "in a New York minute" means "immediately." New York City residents are called "New Yorkers." Residents of the metropolitan area generally refer to New York City (or sometimes just Manhattan) as "The City," or "New York," and the acronym "NYC," as opposed to just "NY," helps to avoid confusing references tothe state of New York (see the map of New York City). The nickname most used for New York City is the "Big Apple."
New York is the most populous and the most international city in the country. New York City urban area extends into adjoining parts of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Located where the Hudson and East rivers empty into one of the world premier harbours as its mentioned in the map of New York City, New York is both the gateway to the North American continent and its preferred exit to the oceans of the globe.
New York City is the most ethnically diverse, religiously varied, commercially driven, famously congested, and, in the eyes of many, the most attractive urban centre in the country. No other city has contributed more images to the collective consciousness of Americans: Wall Street means finance, Broadway is synonymous with theatre, Fifth Avenue is automatically paired with shopping (see the map of New York City).