
R train subway map

MTA r train map. R train subway map (New York - USA) to print. R train subway map (New York - USA) to download. The r train subway is a service of the New York City Subway. The r train subway is colored sunflower yellow on the route sign (either on the front and/or side – depending on equipment used) and on station signs and the NYC r train subway map, as it represents a service provided on the BMT Broadway Line in Manhattan.
The r train subway service operates at all times. During the day, r train subway run between 71st Avenue in Forest Hills, Queens and 95th Street in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn via the IND Queens Boulevard Line and BMT Fourth Avenue Line, making all stops as its mentioned in r train subway map. During late nights, r train subway operates as a shuttle within Brooklyn between 36th and 95th Streets with northbound trains bypassing 53rd and 45th Streets.
The r train subway is the longest New York City Subway service without an elevated section, although there is a small opening between 59th Street and Bay Ridge Avenue in Brooklyn when the Fourth Avenue Line passes over a valley containing the Long Island Rail Road Bay Ridge Branch tracks as you can see in r train subway map.